Scrap Your Car TODAY!

How Do I Scrap My Car?

Scrapping a car is quick and easy but to the people who are still questioning themselves; how do I Scrap My Car? Well look no further as we are the best in the business as we take in your cars for the best prices. We are well known around Bolton and we collect cars that are in the area for free. If you have a car you want to scrap then ring this number : 01204 388 488 and the price that is given will be the guaranteed price on collection. Another way is by filling out the form on The Scrappers Website.


Here is an image of what the form looks like on the website.

Scrap Your Car

You can Scrap Your Car in any condition whether its written off by insurance, been in an accident or you just want to get rid of an old car we can do that for you. We also take any brand of car, as we like the variety of parts they provide as we can help even more customers with our wide range of car parts. Our mechanics either strip down your care piece by piece so that the pieces can be reused if they aren’t damaged. We like old and new cars because we like helping customers who have different generations of cars.


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Scrap Car Prices

We have been the best salvage yard in the business for over 25 years and we know everything about doing our jobs so if you need help deciding what piece you need or need advice we will be happy to help and we are well known and trusted by all of Bolton so when we give you a price it will be the best your going to get guaranteed as we have the best Scrap Car Prices. The price varies but that’s because some cars condition and age can be different but like always we don’t judge we will still take any car no matter what condition. Like I said before when you ring us on 01204 388 488 the price we give you over the phone when you give us the information of your car is the price we will stick with that price.


Advertisement found on The Scrappers Website.

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